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Was kaufe ich meiner Mutter zum Muttertag?

by Jessica Jesse

My mom is a woman who literally has everything...

Pink Three Kings All Weather Bangles on Daily Love Book and Lotus Image | BuDhaGirl

My mom is a woman who literally has everything...including me as her incredible offspring. What else could she ever want? She has collected every single issue of Vogue magazine going back 40 years, she has vintage Ralph Lauren that Ralph doesn't even remember, how about her collection of Tiffany silver stuff...it goes on and on.

However, this year I have found her the perfect Mother's Day gift...I am going to buy her something special, something modern and something that she can style to suit her personality: BuDhaGirl All Weather Bangles

BuDhaGirl All Weather Bangles Collection Image | BuDhaGirl

No wonder AWB® are becoming the go-to jewelry piece to include  in every woman's wardrobe.

You can buy baby AWB bangles from age newborn all the way to wise grandmothers of 90 and above. AWB are waterproof, soundless, weightless, and TSA proof...

BuDhaGirl calls them: life perfect.

Celebrities wear them, stylist can't life without them, world-travelers pack them first, modern Mom's teach with them. I mean these bangles are perfect.

Mother and Baby Girl Wearing Bangles | BuDhaGirl
Image of Desi Dietz with her daughter Cami wearing BuDhaGirl Bangles

They have an intention-setting morning ritual and an evening gratitude ritual. Doctors like Deepak Chopra and Dr. Oz, Apps like Headspace and Calm, and wise women like Agapi Stassinopoulos and her amazing sister Ariana Huffington all agree that quieting the mind and the power of intentions are invaluable to a healthy lifestyle.

So, this year it's AWB® for the best Mom in the world.